Visual culture -> presents the ideal/norm/standard -> through film culture -> through non-alternative, romantic Hollywood movies -> presents the ideal/normal/standard romance.
(Hetero)normativity within Hollywood film culture / the male gaze / spectatorship within the visual presentation.

A film serves as a 'fantasy', but is many times presented as 'reality'.


'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' by Laura Mulvey.
Next step: 

I want to make a (visual) database of loads of movies and categorize them into different collections, such as: movies in which the female is sexualised, romantic movies in which the plot is basically the same (the pattern), movies in which (in contradiction) the man is sexualised, movie which show the love story of a homosexual couple, etc.

I want to dive into different patterns and compare those. For example comparing a 'typical' romantic Hollywood movie VS. alternative cinema.
Or comparing porn VS. 'chick flicks'.